Alex Renfroe no continuará en Surne Bilbao Basket

El base estadounidense Alex Renfroe no continuará en Surne Bilbao Basket. El jugador ha terminado la temporada disputando 45 partidos con unos notables 6.8 puntos, 4.7 asistencias y 3.5 rebotes. Su talento y experiencia han resultado claves para cumplir los objetivos de la presente temporada 23/24. Queremos agradecer al jugador su esfuerzo, competitividad, capacidad de sacrifico y cercanía. Asimismo, desearle todos los éxitos en sus próximos retos profesionales.

Eskerrik asko Alex!

Thanks for all, Alex!

Alex Renfroe will not continue in Surne Bilbao Basket

The US point guard Alex Renfroe will not continue in Surne Bilbao Basket. The player has ended the season with 45 games played and 6.8 points, 4.7 assists and 3.5 rebounds. His talent and experience have been key to meet the objectives of the current season 23/24. We would like to thank the player for his effort, competitiveness, sacrificial capacity and closeness, and wish him the best of luck in his next proyects.

Eskerrik asko Alex!

Thank you, Alex!